Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Horrible Drivers

Sunday night, on our way home from 412 United, I was a witness to a horrible driver. The following account is a true story:

It was a clear, crisp, dark night. 8:30 pm to be exactish. I was driving our Honda Civic, wife beside me. We decided to take an alternate route home in order to feed the wife (with baby in belly) from McDonalds. As I was sitting at the stoplight, waiting to take a right-hand turn off of Broad onto Walnut Creek, I noticed a woman driver who was turning very slowly onto Walnut Creek. She was coming from the opposite direction with a protected left turn signal. As she inched her way through the turn, she stared rudely at Jessica and I. Jessica said, "Well then, okay." I said, "What's her problem?" We both shared a good chuckle. It was kind of bizarre.
After waiting for her to turn in front of me, I made my right-hand turn onto Walnut Creek. I was now right behind her. She was still driving SO slow. As I pulled up behind her, she put on her right blinker to turn into Sonic. Once again, she was driving SO slow! In disgust, I stared at her and shook my head as we drove by and said these exact words, "Bad driver.  That's horrible."

Immediately after passing her, I look up and notice something spectacular and said,  "It's REALLY DARK." I then proceeded to turn my headlights on.

Like I said, I experienced a bad driver on Sunday night. His name was Kyle. Sometimes I can't stand horrible drivers!

This is sure to show up sometime in a sermon.

1 comment:

  1. This is almost as good as the time you cut off the ref before the bball game@
